A great movement is on the streets
The Spanish government is facing a deep political crisis as people in Catalonia defy attempts to crush a referendum on independence. A great movement is on the streets contesting the repression—and its demands are radicalising.
An opinion poll released this week found that only 28 percent of Catalans support the Spanish state constitution.
The paramilitary Civil Guard has seized 10 million ballot papers, around 1.5 million pro-referendum leaflets, posters and printing materials. The government has launched an investigation into more than 700 local mayors who have backed the referendum and has ordered them to appear in court.
The Spanish ministry of finance blocked all bank accounts held by the Catalan government yesterday, Thursday.
Police have also tried to raid the offices of the anti-capitalist, pro-independence Popular Unity Candidacy (CUP) party.
But the response has been huge.
Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets of Barcelona chanting against the state crackdown and for the right to vote.
Several thousand people stopped the police occupying the CUP offices and forced riot police to retreat.
Maria Dantas, an activist taking part in the movement, told Socialist Worker, “The pace of the resistance is tremendous. Every day we go out on the streets to paste posters and hand out flyers.
“This is happening in all the Catalan cities.”
Thousands of people gathered in front of the High Court of Justice yesterday to demand the release of Catalan officials who are still being detained.
Dockers in Barcelona decided at a mass meeting not to work on the ship Rhapsody. It houses officers and vehicles from the Spanish National Police and the Civil Guard.
They said they had done so “in defence of civil rights.”….
Continued:- https://socialistworker.co.uk/art/45359/Protests+against+Catalan+clampdown+plunge+Spanish+state+into+crisis
(Πηγή) sourse: http://revolutionaryeye.tumblr.com/post/165945013626
Also: For Live coverage and numerous videos of the ongoing police violence,which has been condemned by Nicila Surgeon,Scotland’s First Minister calling on the Spanish Government to stop the police violence:- https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2017/oct/01/catalan-independence-referendum-spain-catalonia-vote-live
Also: video
Photos (taken from here)
Catalan referendum: 38 injured amid reports of rubber bullets fired by Spanish police
Eύστοχες και οι επισημάνσεις που διαβάσαμε κι εδώ:
" Και σφαίρες από καουτσούκ από την ισπανική αστυνομία εναντίον των ψηφοφόρων. Πάνω από 800 οι τραυματίες σε ένα όργιο βίας και τρομοκρατίας! Ξύλο και αίμα έξω από τα εκλογικά κέντρα – Κλωτσούν και σπρώχνουν ακόμη και ηλικιωμένους – {εμείς παραπέμπουμε και σε αυτό το βίντεο για την απίστευτη συμπεριφορά των ένστολων καθαρμάτων ακόμα και απέναντι σε ηλικιωμένους: Catalan Referendum Met With Violence From Spanish Riot Police} Κουκουλοφόροι παίρνουν με το έτσι θέλω τις κάλπες. Ο Ραχόι και το καθεστώς του με το όργιο βίας και το χυμένο καταλανικό αίμα μετέτρεψε την αντίθεση των Καταλανών απέναντι στο καθεστώς του σε βαθύ και αγεφύρωτο χάσμα. Η ανεξαρτησία, πλέον, της Καταλονίας με την αστυνομική βαρβαρότητα του Ραχόι μετατράπηκε σε αμετάστρεπτη εξέλιξη. Ο Ραχόι και η συμμορία του πρέπει να κάτσουν στο σκαμνί για εγκλήματα σε βάρος του καταλανικού λαού."
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